using branchtrack for company training - anyway to move location of callout box and small triangles in corner



  • Official comment
    Konstantin Sinitsin

    Hi Seth,
    The triangles can be removed with custom CSS.
    .node-tick {display:none !important} - removes the one on the speech bubble
    .edge-tick {display:none !important} - removes the one on the choices
    This one moves the speech bubble: feel free to adjust the px value.
    .theme-speech-bg-color {
    margin-right: 100px !important;

    These only work for the legacy player.

    Please let me know if you need further assistance.

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  • Seth Scherer

    Konstantin, your css helped.  one more question, do you have the css code for the box that starts with "Select your position" so it doesnt sit right on top of the boxes to the left.  I want to move it up if possible.


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  • Michael Ambech

    Hi Seth! Let me just chime in here :-)

    Branchtrack doesn't work well with that many choice options. I'd instead separate this one into two slides and include an option called "Show me more departments/options".

    Best Regards


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  • Konstantin Sinitsin

    Hi Seth,

    You can try this:

    #bt-theme blockquote {margin-top: -10px;

    Adjust the px value as needed. Please let me know if you need further help with this.


    When using the Legacy player you have finite space on the scene for text and choices. When exceeded they will overlap. Michael's recommendation is on point. Split the scene into two scenes (include the option for learner to move to and from those 2 scene so they could study all of the choices.

    The new player is scrollable and doesn't have the overlap problem, so perhaps it might make sense to switch to it.






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