To motivate your learners further after implementing characters and emotions, you can introduce scoring. Scores can be added in scene content view. Write in a number such as +1 or -1 to add or subtract points from players’ total score or just enter a static number. A static number will reset the score to the set value.
The score is added to a scene, not a choice. A scene appears as a consequence of a previous scene, and the score marks the consequences of the choice, not the choice itself.
On your sim canvas scoring will be immediately noticeable, as points appear next to the scene.
How does the learner see sims with scoring?
The score will appear to the learner before the character’s text, together with feedback. Then the character says the main text.
If you untick Show score with feedback in the scene content, the score will appear only next to the reply choice that affected the score. It will still appear at the bottom right corner of the sim.
If you embed BranchTrack in an e-learning authoring tool, there is a possibility that BranchTrack can report the points to the tool. To find out if your authoring tool can receive data about points via variable, check the tool’s help manual or website.
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