Multiple scoring means you can rate your learner’s performance by multiple topics or competencies. You can enable this option in sim canvas view by clicking on the gears (Options menu).
Once you've accessed the Options tab, you can add the names of the topics/competencies you will be rating. Don’t forget to click Add! Use as many scoring fields as you need. An ID and color will be assigned automatically to each scoring field.
After that, you can move on to adding points to scenes in scene content view. You can choose to add scoring to every scene or just some of them.
The biggest difference multiple scoring makes is to how the results will appear to the learner.
Clicking on the points next to the choice reveals which scoring field they pertain to.
A total score will be calculated automatically for every scene and a grand total will be calculated for the sim as a whole. After you have enabled multiple scoring, simply go back to editing any scene, the new settings will be available instantly. Add and subtract points the same way as you would in single scoring mode.
Only the total score of a scene will appear on the sim canvas itself.
When viewing the sim as a learner, clicking on the next to feedback reveals a bar chart with the currently collected points. The same appears when clicking on the current points in the lower right corner.
Currently it is best to use multiple scoring with courses that will be viewed full-screen so that the names of the scoring fields will be fully visible. Another suggestion is to use short category names.
Your current score in the case of multiple scoring is the grand total.
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